Xenforo Hosting


Xenforo Hosting has a lot to offer. It’s a forum package that’s easy to use and features a number of custom options. The software even comes with a free trial so you can try it out before deciding to buy the full version.

Xenforo is also well known for its SEO features. It’s built on the Zend Framework and includes microdata, human-readable links and SEO tools. In the process, it’s become a popular forum platform among large communities abroad.

For a forum, a good hosting option isn’t just fast and secure; it has to be the right type of hosting. The application will need to load fast to keep users engaged. A poor hosting choice will make posting and browsing the forum a chore.

The web host should also be able to provide you with a roadmap for perpetual security. Besides, it’s important to have a web host that offers customer support.

The smallest page load delay can have a negative impact on your conversion rate. This is why it’s important to choose a hosting provider that offers a Xenforo compatible caching solution. Luckily, LiteSpeed is one such option.

It’s also worth noting that a Xenforo-based community can be integrated with Facebook. This will give you the ability to post quickly and share your posts with friends. There are other useful social media features as well, such as the ability to receive notifications when someone replies to a post.

The most important function of a Xenforo is the one that most people won’t be aware of. You can also add a variety of add-ons to customize your forum.

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